Eastern Medical College – Bangladesh

Eastern Medical College

Kabila (Dhaka-Chittagong Highway), Burichang, Cumilla-3520, Bangladesh.

Fee Structure

5 years Course Fees$ 14,000
Development Fees$ 6,000
Admission Fees$ 7,000
Session Fees (5 year X 1000 USD )$ 5,000
Tuition Fees per month $ 170 X 60 Months$ 10,200
Lab Fees$ 1,600
Certificate Conversion Fees$ 200
Hostal Admission Fees$ 500
Total$ 44,500
Discount for India & Nepal Residents $ 4,000
Total Amount without Registration fees$ 40.500
Registration fee of CMU, BM&DC, and another process$ 1,500
Total Payable Amount$ 42,000

For detailed fees look official Letter Head

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